Sunday, November 30, 2008

Chapter Two

The sun hung on top of the hill across the street. I was kneeling on my couch, staring out the front window, clutching my school bag to my hammering chest.
Devon was picking me up for school today.

My heart thudded at least three times the safe amount when a vehicle pulled into the driveway. I wasn’t a motorcycle, but I know it was Devon.

The car was a black- the same color as the motorcycle- Mustang with a convertible top.
Checking to see if the front door was locked I left the house and headed to Devon’s Mustang.
He got out of the driver’s sear and followed me to the passenger’s. To my surprise he opened the door for me and helped me into the low seat.

We drove without talking for a while, an di was content with watching his hands moving the steering wheel and listening to the C.D. he had playing. The C.D. was quiet, soothing. It was a recorded piano. It was wonderful, though. It reminded me of Devon.

“What class do you have first?” he asked when we were about halfway down the highway.

“Calculus.” I replied, having to stifle an unwanted giggle at the thought of my textbook.

“Hmm, me too,” Devon said. “Smart, then?” he asked. I blushed. It was true, I was a total geek when It came to math. It made me happier to think that Devon, this Greek god-like creature, was in calculus too.

“Is the teacher good?” he asked. We were in St. George now, almost to the High School.

“Mrs. Hund? Yeah, she’s good.” I replied. Devon pulled into the parking lot of East High School. The students were milling about, talking or doing other things to waist the time before the bell rang for class.

Devon came around to the passenger’s side of his mustang and helped me out of it. I was amazed at how much manners this seventeen year old boy had.

I couldn’t help the smile that was plastered on my face as Devon walked me to our class. Both male and female faces turned as we walked by, and whispers replace normal conversation.
Boys were probably wondering why I was with Devon instead of Luke, my ex-boyfriends, and girls were probably wondering why Devon was with me.

Not that I wasn’t…popular enough, I actually was. I was the girl that most boys wanted to date, I just didn’t brag about it. they were most likely thinking that I was still with Luke, and now here I was with Devon.

Oh, and they probably thought I was dating Devon. I’d just have to set them straight.
The day was too long for my liking, and I only had two classes with Devon. I pushed my way through the crowd of students when the final bell rang, trying to get to the parking lot. Eventually, I made it, and I saw Devon leaning against his car.

“Hi,” I greeted cheerfully. He opened the door for me, again, and helped me into the car. Again.

“How was your day?” I asked as he sat down behind the wheel and turned the ignition on.
I sat back and watched a bit smugly as other girls stared at Devon. A grin lit up my face as we passed Luke’s beat-up old Toyota Camry and Luke recognized me. Take that! I ordered. Then I turned my attention to the person that actually deserved it: Devon. He struck up a conversation and we talked the whole way home.

I got out of his car when he pulled up to my house. I ran hurriedly inside my house. Then I dropped my school bag on the floor next to the front door. As quick as I could, I went back outside and hopped into Devon’s car.

We were going to the park again, and I was excited.

We drove in silence until the park. When we got there, before I could even move, Devon was opening my door and helping me up.

“Why are you so polite?” I blurted with out thinking.

“It’s the way I was taught.” He replied simply, flashing me his heart-melting smile.
We walked over to the swings and sat down. I couldn’t keep the smile off my face as we talked until it was too-late-to-stay-out-on-a-school-night.

* * * * *

The next two weeks that followed went by in the same fashion. Devon would pick me up from school and bring me home. On the days that I worked, he would picked me up for school, drop me off at work, and pick me up again.

I asked him once why his sister never rode with us. He just answered by saying “She drives her own car.”

Devon never really asked me to be his girlfriend or anything, but I kind of figured we were dating. We never went on a date, either, but we went to the park every night and talked.

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